Sent on the night of the dark of the moon when all the doors to the Talliston labyrinth open, every month you will receive a letter from your friend lost in the labyrinth of Britain’s most extraordinary home.
Written by award-winning author John Tarrow and with beautiful illustrations by Rebecca Solow, experience the delight of receiving beautiful personalised letters from the mysterious Talliston labyrinth. Each one is set in one of Talliston’s thirteen rooms, continuing and enhancing the story of The Stranger’s Guide To Talliston.
These stories are set in the same fantasy universe as The Stranger’s Guide To Talliston. This fantasy young adult novel is all about the house and gardens, and can be found in bookstores and online everywhere. While not essential to enjoying the letters, it makes a wonderful accompaniment to these new adventures – and can be read before, during or after your subscription.

An illustrated fantasy adventure based on the worlds
from The Stranger’s Guide to Talliston.
T H E A D V E N T U R E C O N T N U E S . . .

– THE –
On the night of the dark of the moon when all the doors to the Talliston labyrinth open, a raven delivers a letter from your friend trapped within the labyrinth of Britain’s most extraordinary home: Talliston House & Gardens. Hidden inside this apparently ordinary house in its ordinary street lies a labyrinth of doors into some quite extraordinary rooms. These are the locations you'll be visiting on your journey through the letters of the story.
It was supposed to be just a game. A bit of scary fun. A lark. Every kid in the town knew the place as The Werehouse. They also knew the terrifying double dare linked to it; if you entered on the night of the dark of the moon and placed your hand upon the cursed stone; if you spoke the rhyme and walked into the empty house; if you did all these things, then you would never been seen again...
It’s the perfect gift for the fantasy reader in your life. Be part of this new and exciting chapter in the Talliston adventure...


Though the story of the letters is filled with wild adventures, a big part of the book's wonder is the beautiful illustrations. Each chapter opens with its own hand painted full colour watercolour by Rebecca Solow.
Each piece of artwork is taken through several stages of development, from brief, concept, sketch and drawing – until it is finally painted. Every illustration has a complex first brief where the concept, story scene, colours, architectural designs and motifs are all discussed.
The next stage of the artwork is deciding upon the composition of the illustration and several scenes, angles and settings are explored. After the initial sketch is decided, Rebecca sets out to capture the detail, characters and setting in a detailed pen and ink.
Along with the main illustration, borders and the all-important magical doorway into each particular location were developed. Then, using a colour scheme reflecting the seasons and elements of each artwork, until finally the finished watercolour emerges.